Friday, 8 April 2011

Lets [D]evolve shall we?

Note the artwork in the centre at the top of the runway. 
I was lucky enough to take part in this years annual Edinburgh Charity Fashion Show, it was held on the 18th and 19th of March in.... Edinburgh! Big shocker there. We raised a spectacular amount of money (I dont have a final figure yet but will post here as soon as I know.) for Breakthrough Breastcancer.
IsNotDead Paris. I want that dress and the mask so badly.
Raising money for charity is obviously always important and rewarding but combining it with fashion in form of a show, like ECFS has done for 10 years, it is a hugely enjoyable experience. The whole committee is made up of students of the University of Edinburgh and the vast majority of models are students in Edinburgh as well, except for one model and he is on his gap year right now.

The theme that the Chairwoman came up with was [D]evolution, which I think is a fantastic theme, representing so much that is in fashion right now. Inclusive without being too broad, edgy without being in your face annoying. The fashion team then took this notion and came up with the running theme, in fashion terms, of the [D]evolution of gender. The designers showcased were from all over the place, some local boutiques let us borrow their stuff for the show, designers from London, Paris and Amsterdam and to finish off we had fantastic pieces from Graduate designers from the Edinburgh College of Art. The main accesories we used in the show were from James Faulkner, from JRF Rogue Milliner, his spectacular hats were dotted around the whole show. To form a basic structure, from a fashion perspective, of the show, it was segmented into 4 sections.

Starting with the first segment (I know, really pushing the boat out here.) it was termed 'Romantic', meaning this segment focused on women wearing clothes that are thought of as 'womanly', dresses and gowns and men wearing classical menswear, suits, shirts and generally quite conservative. 
Segment numbero dos was coined 'Rock Chîc' and here you could see the two, men- and womenswear, edging closer together, essentially becoming more androgynous. Jeans for women (Like I said before. Soooo edgy) slim jeans for guys, leather jackets, studs.
This brings us to the next segment which was called 'Andorgynous' and, lets be honest, is pretty self-explenatory. 
Finishing with a bang, the big finale, 'Futuristic' was where the men and women apparel really overcrossed, guys wearing leggings and skirts.

Afterwards there was an afterparty in the same venue, which was a converted church and it was pretty awesome, if I am being completely honest here! The amount of work that all the Directors, the whole committee and all the models put into this event really was extraordinary. I was lucky to have been part of something so exciting!
Check out the website and have a look at the campaigns that were shot as well, such wonderful pictures.

Photo credits to Edmund Fraser and Paris Ackrill

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