Thursday, 18 November 2010

Is B.A.C.K.

Things I need in my life right now. I am not ashamed to say I LOVE sales. And as its getting closer to January its time to look at a couple of things I will most definitely try and get my hands on..
Those leggings are going to be mine as soon as the sales kick in. I die.
Whats not to love about these rings? That they  dont fit me. Small is too small (trust me I have tried it on one too many times, they already know the get the lotion ready for me to take it off..) And medium is too big.. booo. But they are so purtty.
Feathers. Gloves. Boom. Ann Demeulemeester is beyond.

These feathered vests are just incredible! I have no idea how I would style these or whether the feathers would get ruined if I wore the vest beneath a coat or something but is that the point? Exactly.
Love, D.

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